A World That “Changes”, yet remains the same

Today, when the discussions about a “wind” of important, and even “positive”, political developments that Trump’s election supposedly signals, give and take, and all the “late prophets” of geopolitics are rushing to warn about what is coming.

Perhaps, however, it has not been sufficiently realized how many alternative faces, seemingly opposite to each other, appear with those who control the international political system (the well-known “invisible puppeteers”) in order to achieve the perpetuation of their dominance through virtual but not real changes. Rallying for this purpose, sometimes those who are openly inspired by the same ideas as them and sometimes those who, while being at the opposite ends of their own ideologies, manage to use them as “useful idiots”. Is the Trump case and any developments that it initiates something like this or does it signal a real break with the “invisible puppeteers”, truly giving a positive perspective to political developments on a planetary level?

A brief historical review

If we take a brief historical review of the history of the world to see how we arrived at today’s geopolitical dilemmas, we find that nature, life and history have highlighted to date three ways – examples of governance of the human population: the city-state, the empire and the nation-state.

1. The example of the city-state is characteristically found in Ancient Greece. But with the end of the Peloponnesian War, the mutual annihilation of Athens and Sparta and the national integration of the Greek world under Alexander, this model, which dates back even before the Homeric era, essentially ceases to exist.

2. The second example observed historically is that of imperial governance. But with the various peoples and ethnicities included in it being racially, culturally and religiously, absolutely distinct from each other. Without avoiding, of course, some phenomena of cultural syncretism and limited mixing, which however do not alter the otherness of the minor entities that make up the empire.

3. To reach the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which constituted the “birth” of a long-gestating new way of governance, that of the nation-state. While this treaty appears to simply put an end to the Thirty Years’ War between Catholics and Protestants (1618 – 1648), it is in essence the beginning of a new historical period during which medieval Europe, with the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, is largely transformed into the mosaic of modern European national states that we know today. The Westphalian system of nation-states will henceforth constitute an ideotype, which, with the cultural diffusion – dominance of this European model throughout the world, will ontologically, normatively and ideologically define not only Western modernity but also the global international system.

A system, in favor of the spread of which the Anglo-Saxons, as the rulers of the world, openly advocated. Since it favored the fragmentation of large multinational formations by degrading them to more manageable entities for them, at the same time offering a more convenient way of controlling their colonies not through the presence of troops but through the establishment in the now “independent and self-governing” states, puppet governments controlled by them. In this way, for example, the newly established Greek state was limited to less than nine-tenths of the territories where Hellenism was scattered. Thus, the “genie” was locked in the “bottle”. A great empire, like the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium), which began its liberation struggle simultaneously from Moldavia and the Morea, was transformed into an insignificant Balkan state. By the way, what would have happened if the Revolution had succeeded in Moldavia and failed in the Morea? Let’s leave the elaboration of the question for another time!

The Treaty of Westphalia, in other words, “gave birth” to the model of the nation-state, within which generations have lived from the 17th century to the present day, which have generally learned to believe that the world has always been like this. As if the history of the world began simultaneously with the birth of each one and is going to last until the end of each one!

The New Westphalia

One of the problems of this mode of governance is the relationship of the sovereign state with any national or religious minorities that remained trapped for various historical reasons within the geographical borders of the state. These problems, combined with the different perception of historical rights over the same geographical areas by the bordering states and given the lack of a superordinate authority that would impose a solution on the opposing sides, gave the necessary justification (for world peace) to the Anglo-Saxon-dominated collective West to proceed to the next step: namely, the realization of a political project without historical precedent. What began in 1990 by attempting, through globalization, the creation of a planetary empire – monocracy with a completely homogenized global population.

In other words, they are attempting a “new Westphalia” by imposing a fourth model of governance that has never existed before historically. They believe that their power and superiority over all others is comparatively so superior that, combined with the technology of the digital age, artificial intelligence, communications, transportation and the methodical biological alterations of human DNA, they are given a unique historical opportunity to impose something that has never existed before: an empire across the planet without distinct minor entities within it. The constituent elements (the “cells”) of this empire will be individuals themselves. Anything that transcends the individual by attempting to create a RELATIONSHIP of any kind is extraterrestrial, “fascist and dangerous” to public safety. This empire will be multicultural in the sense of each person’s individual culture, each person’s individual religion, each person’s individual gender (as each person understands it for themselves) and so on. There are no genders, races, peoples, nations, religions, historical addictions, morals or customs. Everyone chooses what they want from all of these, but individually and privately. If they attempt to communicate their point of view with others, they are fascists and dangerous to social cohesion and are persecuted as common criminals. This is the famous “Woke Agenda”, as recently propagated by the media of shame.

The “Woke Agenda”, which constitutes the final destination of the Cartesian departure and the cogito ego sum (I think therefore I am), which in a more accessible formulation means: I am what I can think. That is, life is a phenomenon that I myself can define as I want, as I consider objectively correct. That is, my mind and my logic are “god” and since matter can and does self-actualize without God (historical materialism), I define good and evil. Therefore, I am the god.

The names of nations, of course, at least in the first phase, will remain, but as an “empty shirt”. That is, for example, the name Greece will exist but without population, religious and cultural homogeneity. Besides, invoking the concept of any form of homogeneity will constitute a criminal offense and will be punished. We get a taste (at the level of low politics) of the phenomenon today with sports clubs. Where we see traditional teams, even in the provinces, being composed for the most part or even entirely of foreign players. But this apparently does not bother anyone, since the Mass Media (MME) have convinced many that what matters is that their team wins.

However, the excessive confidence, complacency and resting on the laurels of the only superpower in 1990 gave time and the conditions for the emergence of a huge regional “counter-alignment”. With China and Russia as “engines”, an entire world of nations that was able to escape the deadly grip of the “global snake” began to unite, renounce the dollar and fight for its historical survival.

The defeats that this development brought to the “global snake” are many, daily and overwhelming, the most important of which is the one that is currently underway in Ukraine. Defeats that force it to suspend the “Woke Agenda” program, temporarily (or at least so it believes), and to follow a “Plan B”, an old tried and tested “recipe”: that is, to let the healthy nationalist forces of the Western world come to power, to “clean the laundry” on behalf of the “global gendarme” and then to sideline them again as fascist and racist, continuing the implementation of the “woke agenda”.

The collapse of the pro-globalization European leaderships and the rapid rise of nationalist European forces with the open support of Donald Trump’s “crazy horse”, who goes by the name: Elon Musk, I must confess that it makes me suspicious. I believe that the issue requires special vigilance and investigation.

Nationalists should not become instruments in the hands of the “global usurer” once again. On the contrary, with wisdom and patience, they should exploit the situation to free themselves from the deadly embrace of the coils of the “snake”. But being fully aware that the “invisible puppeteers” have neither accepted their defeat, nor will they give up so easily!

Nationalists must escape the “court” of cheap racist and anti-racist tennis, where others have placed them. Everything must be based on a tolerable answer to the primary question: “why does the world exist”. The answer to this question gives meaning to the breadth of human consciousness. It is judged with whom we are united by a deeper kinship, regardless of which nation we belong to.

The path to the search for answers passes through a wild and mountainous landscape, where only mountain creatures can survive.

Existences like Homer’s Ajax with the well-known saying to the goddess Athena who stood by him in battle: “Queen, go to the other Argives to be a supporter because where I will be, the battle line will never be broken.” (Sophocles “Aias”, 774)

Because the tragic hero does not choose. He is guided by the fate of the special.

Ajax is a symbolic hero. He embodies the inner demands of Greek nobility. Where the only purpose of life is the endless pursuit of the noble and the great.

Nobility, not prosperity.

Good fight!

About the author

The Liberal Globe is an independent online magazine that provides carefully selected varieties of stories. Our authoritative insight opinions, analyses, researches are reflected in the sections which are both thematic and geographical. We do not attach ourselves to any political party. Our political agenda is liberal in the classical sense. We continue to advocate bold policies in favour of individual freedoms, even if that means we must oppose the will and the majority view, even if these positions that we express may be unpleasant and unbearable for the majority.


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