Welcome to the New Era of Planetary Population Migration!

For several centuries, while Rome lived its life, moving from crisis to stabilization and from stabilization to another crisis, the number of barbarians settled along the perimeter of the Roman frontier increased significantly, their military threat multiplied accordingly. to their demographic potential. In addition, Rome from the third century onward weakens, ceases to be Roman, decays on the inside, divests itself of its traditional values ​​and becomes increasingly barbarized (a series of accessions to Eastern cults, dressing in barbaric clothing, obsessive pursuit of pantheonism for the elite, disintegration of the lower classes etc.)

In other words, during many centuries, along with the growth of the Empire, a competent demographic boom was observed, which, as soon as it weakened, fell on it and crushed it. And although the culmination of the phthisical mental conversion of the citizens extended over almost a hundred years, the fact remains: the barbarians who invaded and settled the Empire once supported an external attack against it, and according to Arnold Toynbee : a combined and final blow of the internal (Christian) and external (barbarian) proletariat.

But this blow was demographically matured and prepared for three centuries, and is the outer outline of the Roman elite’s struggle for power and property. Beside her was a ticking time bomb, about which and the long-term consequences of disarmament she was given minimal attention: The barbarians were just “out there somewhere”, beyond the fortified installations of the Border Guard.

Today, the world situation is partly reminiscent of the late Roman Empire. With all the fatal triviality of historical analogies, despite the fact that the modern world is of course incalculably more complex than the world of 1,500 years ago, we now also have an “Empire” (“post-Western character”), also overripe, not only gradually shedding the hegemony, but also plunged into extensive decline:

  • financial crisis,
  • erosion of the middle class,
  • intellectual degradation of the elite and the population as a whole,
  • severe family crisis and loss of traditional values,
  • “dechristianism”,
  • spread of sexual perversions and childlessness as a rule, practical rejection of the work ethic in favor of hedonism, frenzied consumerism and
  • catastrophic disappearance of many other social structures and functions, due to which the formation of the West as an embodied civilization took place.

The socio-cultural and willful impunity and immunity of the West has been rapidly undermined, as demonstrated, for example, in several European countries during the recent immigration peak. European men were then unable to protect their wives and children (that is, they lost the “out of nowhere” status, the condition for the normal existence of a population) from foreign immigrants, despite the fact that the latter are still a minority.

But the protection of the females and the young from the males is the basis of the existence and survival of the population. This is not even touching on the case of a case of animalistic rape of an unfortunate hippopotamus pony at the Berlin Zoo by a Syrian immigrant (November 2017), in which the violent sex offender faced a heavy sentence, greater than if he had raped a woman or a child.

Today’s confrontation in Europe, between White Europeans and foreigners of the same sex, is fundamentally different from the confrontation between Romans and Barbarians, and is aggravated by many circumstances, the totality of which, indeed, leaves almost no chance of salvation for White Europeans. In a sense, what was said by Cicero about the exterminated conspirator Leucius Sergius Catilina and his associates can also be said about him: “Vixerunt!” (“they lived”).

One of the main current conditions differing in antiquity is that although the Romans and the Barbarians were representatives of different ethnic groups, both belonged to the same race and were pagan (in religious terms): Even in the 4th – 5th centuries the Christianization of Rome was far from complete.

Today’s Europeans differ from the immigrants, who have already turned into an “internal proletariat”, not only ethnically and racially, but also classwise and socio-culturally (religion) [proletariat not in the capitalist, but in the Roman sense of the term: those who often do not work at all, but become parasites on the state, demanding “bread and spectacles” and actively multiplying].

In other words, a thoroughly prepared, completely tolerant (ie ultimately devoid of all will to resistance), modern White European, often middle-aged or elderly, is up against young aggressive Arabs and Africans, the vast majority of whom are Muslim. Most of them are not going to integrate into the moribund post-Western system, but tend to bend it completely, either by parasitizing it or by making it a target for criminal activity.

Already 6-8% of the foreign allosexual population are young, poor, aggressive people, sure of the values ​​of their religion and, consequently, of their cultural and historical correctness. They “oppose” the fed-up old people, who have lost their faith, they are extremely tolerant (enemies of resistance against foreigners and foreigners). Europeans are a serious problem as the texture within European society is changing. Obviously, a percentage of third world immigrants of about 15-20% of the total population is enough for the drastic and irreversible change of the physical and historical balance. Under current conditions this percentage will undoubtedly be reached. As the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat once aptly stated (masterfully alluding to the Arab demographic rise), the Arabs have as their atomic bomb an unexpected weapon, the womb of the Arab woman.

The demographic calamity of the Global South is heating up rapidly: In ancient times, the partly and elsewhere Romanized Barbarians shook the Roman world for more than four centuries. The present upheaval of the European world will last much less than a hundred years, and probably several decades. We observe the boiling foam of the cauldron, but what is hidden under it will play a decisive role.

Anyone who is not willfully blind sees clearly: By the middle of the 21st century, more than half of the world’s population, i.e. 4.5 billion out of 8, (if current UN estimates are correct) will live in China, India and the Africa.

Not only to feed, but more broadly to support and sustain ecologically such a mass, these areas are not sufficient, they will not be able to respond, so logically the human avalanche will be diverted to the path of “least resistance”. Where men live unable to protect even themselves, (much less the weak of this world).

So welcome to the new era of planetary population migration!

About the author

The Liberal Globe is an independent online magazine that provides carefully selected varieties of stories. Our authoritative insight opinions, analyses, researches are reflected in the sections which are both thematic and geographical. We do not attach ourselves to any political party. Our political agenda is liberal in the classical sense. We continue to advocate bold policies in favour of individual freedoms, even if that means we must oppose the will and the majority view, even if these positions that we express may be unpleasant and unbearable for the majority.

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